I've put the question nicely formatted on StackOverflow here

Here is that question Verbatim:

I have a Solr document schema with with a solr.TrieDateField and noticed
this boolean query (not authored by me) which I thought could benefit from
some simplification;

q=-(-event_date:[2011-12-02T00:00:00.000Z TO NOW/DAY+90DAYS] OR
(event_date:[* TO *]))

which means *events within the next 90 days or non-events* (See Pure
Solr boolean
NOT notation) . My simplification looked like

q=event_date:[2011-12-02T00:00:00.000Z TO NOW/DAY+90DAYS] OR
-event_date:[* TO *]

As stated, this didn't work (0 results). So as a test I ran the two sides
of the OR query individually and the sum of the two results (both non-zero)
equaled the sum of the original query and I can't come up with a good
explanation why. Running with debugQuery=true didn't present anything


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