RE: Does SolrNet support indexing of Database tables and XML files

2010-09-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
First of all, I suggest you ask in the SolrNET group: Second, Solr support both database tables and XML files through the Data Import Handler (DIH). You may wish to configure indexing in Solr, then query via SolrNET. -Original Message- From:

RE: solr working...

2010-08-26 Thread Michael Griffiths
Take a look at the code? It _is_ open source. Open it up in Eclipse and debug it. -Original Message- From: satya swaroop [] Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 8:24 AM To: Subject: Re: solr working... Hi peter, I am already

RE: Require some advice

2010-08-12 Thread Michael Griffiths
Solr is a search engine, not an entity extraction tool. While there are some decent open source entity extraction tools, they are focused on processing sentences and paragraphs. The structural differences in text messages means you'd need to do a fair amount of work to get decent entity

RE: Indexing fieldvalues with dashes and spaces

2010-08-04 Thread Michael Griffiths
Your schema.xml setting for the field is probably tokenizing the punctuation. Change the field type to one that doesn't tokenize on punctuation; e.g. use text_ws and not text -Original Message- From: PeterKerk [] Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 3:36 PM To:

RE: Indexing boolean value

2010-08-04 Thread Michael Griffiths
I could be wrong, but I thought bit was an integer. Try changing fieldtype to integer. -Original Message- From: PeterKerk [] Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 3:42 PM To: Subject: Indexing boolean value Im trying to index a

RE: Indexing fieldvalues with dashes and spaces

2010-08-04 Thread Michael Griffiths
Echoing Markus - use the tokenized field to return results, but have a duplicate field of fieldtype=string to show the untokenized results. E.g. facet on that field. -Original Message- From: Markus Jelsma [] Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:18 PM To:

RE: Indexing boolean value

2010-08-04 Thread Michael Griffiths
Copyfield copies the field so you can have multiple versions. Useful to dump all fields into one super field you can search on, for perf reasons. If the column isn't being indexed, I'd suggest the problem is in DIH. No suggestions as to why, I'm afraid. -Original Message- From:

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
We'd need to see your schema.xml file for that; it's probably something in your field types. -Original Message- From: PeterKerk [] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 7:49 AM To: Subject: Re: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by:

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
I can't see an obvious error, I'm afraid. Check the index with Luke: ... take particular note of the terms that are actually indexed, and what values each document has. You can also perform searches/etc; it's a useful tool. If the data isn't there, there's

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
Sorry; I should have linked you to the self-executable .jar with no dependencies (so double-clicking runs): Once you open it, you can open the index folder in your solr/data hierarchy. -Original Message-

RE: Error indexing date

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
What's your XML data look like (for the data)? Looks like it's not the same date format Solr accepts. -Original Message- From: Claudio Devecchi [] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 11:16 AM To: Subject: Error indexing date Hi

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
Just checking - Did you verify the data was being extracted with the DIH UI? http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/dataimport.jsp -Original Message- From: PeterKerk [] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 11:28 AM To: Subject: RE: Indexing

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
Hmm. I bet your location query is all wrong. Take this: query=select themeid from location_themes where locationid='${location.ID}' I'm pretty sure that locationid is not a string (since it's extracted as an int below), which means your SQL query will be trying to match an int against a

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
Looks like {$location.ID} isn't being pull out correctly. I'd suggest playing around (e.g. with capitalization). Still, I can't say I know why it's failing. -Original Message- From: PeterKerk [] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:48 PM To:

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
Well, first of all I'd suggest installing Velocity, and using that as your test querying interface... But try ?fq=feature:Cafe -Original Message- From: PeterKerk [] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:38 PM To: Subject: RE: Indexing

RE: Error indexing date

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Griffiths
I'd guess the DIH is not extracting the date correctly. Either way, Solr is not retrieving the date. -Original Message- From: Claudio Devecchi [] Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:45 PM To: Subject: Re: Error indexing date Somebody

RE: Rows fetch OK, Total Documents Failed??

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Griffiths
Check your schema.xml; one of the fields is probable Required, and it's not matching to a field extracted from DIH. Keep in mind that schema.xml is case-sensitive for names. -Original Message- From: [] Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 3:30 AM To:

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Griffiths
I successfully used MSSQL JDBC by placing sqljdbc4.jar file in the lib directory, so e.g. example\lib\sqldbc4.jar. Apart from that, my dataconfig looks very similar - I also set the CLASSPATH, which didn't work. -Original Message- From: PeterKerk [] Sent:

RE: Indexing data on MSSQL failed: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 'com.micros oft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver'

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Griffiths
Peter: My datasource looks like this: dataSource url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\DEVELOPMENT/Databases/database:1433 user=user password=password / From: PeterKerk [] Sent: Monday,

RE: Indexing Problem: Where's my data?

2010-07-28 Thread Michael Griffiths
Thanks - but my schema.xml is not recognizing field names specified in the data-config.xml. For example - and I just tested this now - if I have in my data-config.xml: field column=product_id name=pid / And then in my schema.xml: field name=pid type=int indexed=true stored=true required=true

Indexing Problem: Where's my data?

2010-07-27 Thread Michael Griffiths
Hi, (The first version of this was rejected for spam). I'm setting up a test instance of Solr, and keep running into the problem of having Solr not work the way I think it should work. Specifically, the data I want to go into the index isn't there after indexing. I'm extracting the data from