Hello, We have Apache Solr version 6.2.1 installed on server and we are getting this warning on Apache Solr log from few days which has affected performance of solr queries and put latency on our App:
SolrCore [user_details] PERFORMANCE WARNING: Overlapping onDeckSearchers=2 So we have followed this article https://support.datastax.com/hc/en-us/articles/207690673-FAQ-Solr-logging-PERFORMANCE-WARNING-Overlapping-onDeckSearchers-and-its-meaning and made changes in SolrConfig.xml file of user_details like this: <maxWarmingSearchers>16</maxWarmingSearchers> and also we have reduced number of autowarmCount <cache name="perSegFilter" class="solr.search.LRUCache" size="10" initialSize="0" autowarmCount="5" regenerator="solr.NoOpRegenerator" /> however still we are getting this warning. Can you please help us how can we improve the performance of solr queries on our app. Regards, Nitin.