hi all:
   I was using solr 3.6 and tried to solve a recall-problem today , but
encountered a weird problem.

   There's doc with field value : 均匀肤色, (just treated that word as a symbol
if you don't know it, I just want to describe the problem as exact as

   And below was the analysis result ( tokenization) :

  [image: Inline image 2]

  ( and text-version if need.

Index Analyzer
均匀肤色 均匀 匀肤 肤色
均匀肤色 均匀 匀肤 肤色
均匀肤色 均匀 匀肤 肤色
Query Analyzer

​ The tokenization result indicate the query will recall/hit the doc
​undoubtedly. But the doc did not appear in the result if I search with
"均匀肤色". I tried to simplify the qf/bf/fq/q, just test it with single field
and single document, to make sure it was not caused by other problems but

​It's knotty to debug because it only reproduced in
​product environments, I tried same config/index/query but not produce in
dev ​environment. I'm here ask for helps if you met similar problem, or any
clues/debug-method will be really helped.😶

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