Out of Memory Errors

2008-10-21 Thread Willie Wong
Hello, I've been having issues with out of memory errors on searches in Solr. I was wondering if I'm hitting a limit with solr or if I've configured something seriously wrong. Solr Setup - 3 cores - 3163615 documents each - 10 GB size - approx 10 fields - document sizes vary from a few kb to

Automated Index Creation

2008-07-08 Thread Willie Wong
Hi, Sorry if this question sounds daft but I was wondering if there was anything built into Solr that allows you to automate the creation of new indexes once they reach a certain size or point in time. I looked briefly at the documentation on CollectionDestribution, but it seems more

Solr Capabilities/Limitations

2008-07-01 Thread Willie Wong
Hi y’all, I’m a newbie to Solr, and was looking for advice on whether Solr is the best choice for this project. I need to be able to search through terabytes of existing data. Documents may vary in size from 10 MB to 20 KB in size. Also at some point I’ll also need to feed in approximately