I have a nearly generic out-of-box installation of solr.  When I
search on a short text document containing a few hyphenated words, I
get hits on *some* of the words, but not all.  I'm quite puzzled as to
why.  I've checked that the text is only plain ascii.  How can I find
out what's wrong?  In the file below, solr finds life-long, but not

Here's the file:
This is a small sample document just to insure that a type *.doc can
be accessed by XXXXXXXXX Documentation.
It is sung to the moon by a love-lorn loon,
who fled from the mocking throng O!
It’s the song of a merryman, moping mum,
whose soul was sad and whose glance was glum. Misery me β€” lack-a-day-dee!
He sipped no sup, and he craved no crumb,
As he sighed for the love of a ladye!
Who sipped no sup, and who craved no crumb,
As he sighed for the love of a ladye.
Heighdy! heighdy! Misery me β€” lack-a-day-dee!
He sipped no sup, and he craved no crumb,
As he sighed for the love of a ladye!

I have a song to sing, O!
Sing me your song, O!

It is sung with the ring
Of the songs maids sing
Who love with a love life-long, O!
It's the song of a merrymaid, peerly proud,
Who loved a lord, and who laughed aloud
At the moan of the merryman, moping mum,
Whose soul was sad, and whose glance was glum,
Who sipped no sup, and who craved no crumb,
As he sighed for the love of a ladye!
Heighdy! heighdy!
Misery me β€” lack-a-day-dee!
He sipped no sup, and he craved no crumb,
As he sighed for the love of a ladye!


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