You can use CURL (or whatever you use for HTTP requests) to hit the URL's that you click on in the Solr Admin. So, for example, to turn logging off, you can hit the following URL using CURL.

As for your second question, I actually have been wondering the same thing, but for different reasons.

We have been wanting to store the search requests in order to build a "Most Popular Searches Today|This Week|etc." feature. If we could isolate those searches, that may be one way to do it. (Though we will probably end up rolling our own solution i.e. store the queries in our DB at query time or something like that.)

On 6/29/2007 11:09 AM Jérôme Etévé claimed:
is there a way to avoid going to the web interface to set up the solr
log level ?

I'm also a bit confused about the INFO log level. Actually it's very
nice to see some startup info about the schema , solr home setting,
customize modules loaded ..  But also this INFO log levels gives two
lines for every request done, which fills up very quickly the log file
with not so usefull information .

Is there a way to isolate those request informations from the INFO log level ?

Thanks for your comments and advices !


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