Tweaking SOLR memory and cull facet words

2015-03-27 Thread phiroc
Hi, my SOLR 5 solrconfig.xml file contains the following lines: !-- Faceting defaults -- str name=faceton/str str name=facet.fieldtext/str str name=facet.mincount100/str where the 'text' field contains thousands of words. When I start

Re: Tweaking SOLR memory and cull facet words

2015-03-27 Thread phiroc
Hi Shawn, You must send indexing requests to Solr, Are you referring to posting add/add queries to SOLR, or to something else? If you can set up multiple threads or processes... How do you do that?

Re: _text

2015-03-24 Thread phiroc
Hi Zheng, I copied the SOLR 5 schema.xml file on Github (?), which contains the following line: schemaFactory class=ClassicIndexSchemaFactory/ - Mail original - De: Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo À: Envoyé: Mardi 24 Mars 2015 10:59:49 Objet:


2015-03-24 Thread phiroc
Hello, my SOLR 5 Admin Panel displays the following error: 23/03/2015 15:05:05 ERROR SolrCore org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: undefined field: _text How should _text be defined in schema.xml? Many thanks. Philippe

Creating facets based on the content field

2015-03-23 Thread phiroc
Hello, let's say that you haved indexed hundreds of PDFs using the following curl command: curl -Ss -X POST 'http://mysolr:8990/solr/core0/update/extract?extractFormat=textwt=jsonliteral.url=/path/to/the/pdf.pdf; The PDF's contents are now stored in core0's content field. I wonder how you

Re: Creating facets based on the content field

2015-03-23 Thread phiroc
Let's say that one pdf has the following contents: [thousands of characters] blablabla Churchill blablabla [thousands of text characters] ... and another PDF contains: [thousands of characters] blablabla Gandhi [thousands of characters] Churchill blablabla [thousands of text characters] As

Re: Creating facets based on the content field

2015-03-23 Thread phiroc
I just want a list of recurring words (for now.) I removed the manually-created facets from solrconfig.xml and SOLR automagically created a facet list for me. But thanks for your suggestions. - Mail original - De: Charlie Hull À: Envoyé:

Re: Creating facets based on the content field

2015-03-23 Thread phiroc
I reindexed the PDFs without specifying facets and they magically appeared in facets.vm! Many thanks! - Mail original - De: Alexandre Rafalovitch À: solr-user Envoyé: Lundi 23 Mars 2015 17:23:40 Objet: Re: Creating facets based on the

Connection pool shutdown error

2015-03-19 Thread phiroc
Hello, I am trying to use the 4.9.1 SOLR Core API and the 1.3.2.RELEASE version of the Spring Data SOLR API, to connect to a SOLR server, but to no avail. When I run Java application, I get the following errors: --- Exception in thread main

Word frequency

2015-03-13 Thread phiroc
Hello, is it possible to create dynamic facets with SOLR 5.0.0? For instance, I would like to display the most-frequently occurring words in the left-hand side of my Velocity SOLR GUI (facet_fields.vm). Facet_fields.vm currently looks like this:


2015-03-13 Thread phiroc
Hello, could someone please explain how the current Velocity template examples provided with the 5.0.0 distribution retrieve documents from SOLR? result_list.vm contains the following line #foreach($doc in $response.results) but I can't figure out where $response.results is generated. Many

Re: Word frequency

2015-03-13 Thread phiroc
Yes. Except that I don't want to facet the entire text field (as it can contain thousands of words). I would like to: - loop throught the documents in my core - extract the most-frequently-appearing words in each document's text field - generate a .vm which displays those words ranked number

Re: Word frequency

2015-03-13 Thread phiroc
If you are asking whether users have access to /browse, then the answer is yes. Currently, they can type keywords in the q input field to do searches. I plan to turn q into a hidden field and add a 'keywords' input field whose contents will be transferred to q when users press Search, using

Re: Word frequency

2015-03-13 Thread phiroc
Point taken, Shawn. Thanks for your input. - Mail original - De: Shawn Heisey À: Envoyé: Vendredi 13 Mars 2015 16:12:46 Objet: Re: Word frequency On 3/13/2015 8:54 AM, wrote: If you are asking whether users have access to

Missing doc fields

2015-03-12 Thread phiroc
Hello, when I display one of my core's schema, lots of fields appear: fields:[{ name:_root_, type:string, indexed:true, stored:false}, { name:_version_, type:long, indexed:true, stored:true}, { name:id,


2015-03-12 Thread phiroc
Hello, my solr logs say: INFO - 2015-03-12 08:49:34.900; org.apache.solr.core.RequestHandlers; created /analysis/document: solr.DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler WARN - 2015-03-12 08:49:34.919; org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader; Solr loaded a deprecated plugin/analysis class

Re: Creating a directory resource in solr-jetty

2015-03-12 Thread phiroc
Hi Shawn, here is the Jetty Mailing List's reply concerning my question. Unfortunately, this solution won't work with SOLR Jetty, because its version is 9. Philippe -- Just ensure you don't have a /WEB-INF/ directory, and you can

Re: Missing doc fields

2015-03-11 Thread phiroc
When I run the following query, http://myserver:8990/solr/archives0/select?q=*:*rows=3wt=jsonft=id,ymd The response is

Re: Missing doc fields

2015-03-11 Thread phiroc
Hello, I found the reason: the query to store ymds in SOLR was invalid (json and literal are concatenated below). curl -Ss -X POST 'http://myserver:8990/solr/archives0/update/extract? Philippe - Mail original

Re: Missing doc fields

2015-03-11 Thread phiroc
I meant 'fl'. -- http://myserver:8990/solr/archives0/select?q=*:*rows=3wt=jsonfl=* --

Creating a directory resource in solr-jetty

2015-03-11 Thread phiroc
Hello, does anyone if it is possible to create a directory resource in the solr-jetty configuration files? In Tomcat 8, you can do the following: PostResources className=org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet

SOLR query parameters

2015-03-05 Thread phiroc
Hello, could someone please explain what these SOLR query parameter keywords stand for: - ppcdb - srbycb - as For instance, I could not find them in the SOLR documentation. Many thanks. Philippe

Re: SOLR query parameters

2015-03-05 Thread phiroc
Please ignore my question. These are form field names which I created a couple of months ago, not SOLR query parameters. Philippe - Mail original - De: À: Envoyé: Jeudi 5 Mars 2015 14:54:26 Objet: SOLR query parameters Hello, could someone

Re: Core deletion

2015-01-15 Thread phiroc
I duplicated an exist core, deleted the data directory and, updated solrconfig.xml and schema.xml and loaded the new core in SOLR's Admin Panel. The logs contain a few 'index locked' errors: solr.log:INFO - 2015-01-15 14:43:09.492; org.apache.solr.core.CorePropertiesLocator;

Core deletion

2015-01-14 Thread phiroc
Hello, I am running SOLR 4.10.0 on Tomcat 8. The solr.xml file in .../apache-tomcat-8.0.15_solr_8983/conf/Catalina/localhost looks like this: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? Context docBase=/archives/solr/example/solr/solr.war debug=0 crossContext=true Environment name=solr/home

Updating an index

2014-11-06 Thread phiroc
Hello, I have [mistakenly] created a SOLR index in which the document IDs contain URIs such as file:///Z:/1933/01/1933_01.png . In a single SOLR update command, how can I: - copy the contents of each document's id field to a new field called 'url', after replacing 'Z:' by 'Y:' - make SOLR

Problem deploying solr-4.10.0.war in Tomcat

2014-09-17 Thread phiroc
Hello, I've dropped solr-4.10.0.war in Tomcat 7's webapp directory. When I start the Java web server, the following message appears in catalina.out: --- INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/7.0.55 Sep 17, 2014 11:35:59 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig

Copying a collection from one version of SOLR to another

2014-08-25 Thread phiroc
Hello, is it possible to copy a collection created with SOLR 4.6.0 to a SOLR 4.9.0 server? I have just copied a collection called 'collection3', located in solr4.6.0/example/solr, to solr4.9.0/example/solr, but to no avail, because my SOLR 4.9.0 Server's admin does not list it among the