Re: JNDI in db-data-config.xml websphere

2012-04-09 Thread tech20nn
Have to use exact JNDI name in db-data-config.xml, as unmanaged threads in Websphere do not have access to java:comp/env namespace. Resource name can not be mapped to websphere jdbc datasource name via reference definition in web.xml. Now using jndiName=jdbc/testdb instead of

JNDI in db-data-config.xml websphere

2012-04-04 Thread tech20nn
I am trying to use jndiName attribute in db-data-config.xml. This works great in tomcat. However having issues in websphere. Following exception is thrown Make sure that a J2EE application does not execute JNDI operations on java: names within static code blocks or in threads created by that

Document with longer field names and many fields

2012-01-31 Thread tech20nn
We are planning to import data from various tables of ERP DB into a single Solr/Lucene index. Since these tables have overlapping columns we are planing to name the corresponding document field as table_name_column_name. I have following questions on this. 1) Does having long field name

Solrj 3.3.0 Method SolrQuery.setSortField not working

2011-11-04 Thread tech20nn
When setting SolrQuery.setSortField(field1, ORDER.asc) on SolrQuery is not adding sort parameter to Solr query. Has anyone faced this issue ? -- View this message in context: Sent from

DataImportHandler frequency

2011-09-30 Thread tech20nn
I working with a transactional system with RDBMS. We have approximately 200 db transaction per minute at peak usage. I am planning to use Solr for indexing various part of data. I wanted to keep Solr indexes as up to date as possible, so the the search result returned to user are as fresh and