Hello, In context to the question I asked on Solr confluence (I have copied the conversation at the end of this mail).
I have indexed various videos in solr which I have in my database. I want to search for those video titles, but there can be duplicate video titles as well (If the video is same but source is different, this will have separate entry in solr). To remove those duplicate titles while searching, I am using solr group on title. As you stated I need to change my strategy, what could be the solution to this? Following is the conversation from Confluence : Vishal Raut <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/%7Evishalraut20> I am using Result Grouping in my search. If I am searching normally Solr gives proper results, but when I am using "group=true" and other grouping options solr returns following error : Too many values for UnInvertedField faceting on field. Following is the request I am using : /select?q=title%3Akaty&start=0&rows=30&group=true&group.field=title&group.main=true&fl=title&wt=json The strange thing is I have created one more core with same configuration which provides correct result for same query. Please help me with what could go wrong here. Thank you in advance. Jan Høydahl <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/%7Ejanhoy> Assuming title is an analyzed free-text field, it sounds strange to group by title? What are you trying to achieve? Depending on your content there may just be too many unique terms in all the title fields of all the matching documents, causing such an error. Please send an email to the solr-user@lucene.apache.org mailing list with more details on what you are trying to achieve, and most likely you need to change strategy rather than trying to work around the error msg you get. -- Thanks and Regards ------------------------------------------------------------------ Vishal Raut Contact: +91-9833754756 *------------------------------------------------------------------*