Hi all,

Has anyone seen used Apache Portable Runtime (APR) in conjunction with  Solr
and Tomcat? Has anyone seen (or better, measured) performance improvements
when using APR?

APR is a library that implements some functionality using Native C  (see
http://apr.apache.org/ and

>From wikipedia entry:
The range of platform-independent functionality provided by APR includes:
    * Memory allocation and memory pool functionality
    * Atomic operations
    * Dynamic library handling
    * File I/O
    * Command argument parsing
    * Locking
    * Hash tables and arrays
    * Mmap functionality
    * Network sockets and protocols
    * Thread, process and mutex functionality
    * Shared memory functionality
    * Time routines
    * User and group ID services

I could imagine benefits in file IO  as network IO. But that's pure


thanks in advance

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