how about q=code_text:bolt*&fq=code_text:bolt
On Thursday, March 2, 2017 4:41 PM, Сергей Твердохлеб
is there way to separate exact match from wildcard match in solr response?
e.g. there are two documents: {code_text:bolt} and {code_text:bolter}. When
I search for "bolt
Again, depending on your case, you can use functions in fl to return
additional indicator if doc is exact match or not:
q=code_text:bolt OR whatever&fl=*,isExact:tf('code_text_exact', 'bolt')
It will return isExact field with values >0 for any doc that has term
'bolt' in code_text_exact field.
You could still use scoring with distinct bands of values and include
score field to see the assigned score. Then, on the client, you do
rough grouping.
You could try looking at highlighting, but that's probably
computationally irrational for this purpose.
You could try enabling debugging and see
Hi Emir,
Thanks for your answer.
However in my case I really need to separate results, because I need to
treat those resultsets differently.
2017-03-02 15:57 GMT+02:00 Emir Arnautovic :
> Hi Sergei,
> Usually you don't want to know which is which, but you do want to have
> exact match
Hi Sergei,
Usually you don't want to know which is which, but you do want to have
exact matches first. In case of simple queries and depending on your
usecase, you can use score to make distinction. If "bolter" matches
"bolt" because of some filters, you will need to index it in two fields
is there way to separate exact match from wildcard match in solr response?
e.g. there are two documents: {code_text:bolt} and {code_text:bolter}. When
I search for "bolt" I want to get both results, but somehow grouped, so I
can determine either it was found with exact or non-exact match.