I am using Apache Solr 3.6.

I have been playing around with the idea of providing a "similar" search in the same way Google provides a link against some results with the ability to search for pages similar to the current result: E.g.

related:lucene.apache.org/solr/ apache solr

One method I tried was to use MoreLikeThis on my title field to generate a list of results:

?q=experiment&fl=key,id,title&fq=view:item&bf=title^100 dc.description.abstract_sm^50&mlt=true&mlt.fl=title

which gives me moreLikeThis results. If an item has a matching moreLikeThis result with numFound not equal to zero I can go ahead and link to a new query using my /mlt request handler, using a unique item key and the keyword to build the query:

q=key:com_jspace.item.96 AND experiment&fl=title&mlt.fl=title&start=0&rows=10&mlt.interestingTerms=details

This works well, providing me with paging, etc but one downside is the inability to highlight results with the keyword "experiment".

It is my understanding that highlighting is not available as part of the mlt request handler so I'm wondering if there is another way to generate my search results for items related to another item? Or perhaps I'm approaching this all wrong.

Any direction, even "you can't do that" much appreciated.



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