It is a bug. I just filed this. It is just a unit test that displays
the behavior.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Mark Roberts <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a schema with a multivalued field like so:
> <field name="product" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" 
> multiValued="true"/>
> I am uploading html documents to the Solr extraction handler which contain 
> meta in the head, like so:
> <meta name="product" content="firstproduct" />
> <meta name="product" content="anotherproduct" />
> <meta name="product" content="andanotherproduct" />
> I want the extraction handler to map each of these pieces of meta onto the 
> product field, however, there seems to be a problem - only the last item 
> "andanotherproduct" is mapped, the first seem to be ignored.
> It does work, however, if I pass the values as literals in the query string 
> (e.g. 
> literal.product=firstproduct&literal.product=anotherproduct&literal.product=andanotherproduct)
> I've tried the release version 1.4 of solr and a recent nightly build of 1.5 
> and neither work.
> Is this a bug in Solr-cell or am I doing something wrong?
> Many thanks,
> Mark.

Lance Norskog

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