Hi All,

After enabling basic authentication for solr cloud, I noticed that the
internal leader initiated recovery failed with 401 response.

The recovery request from leader:

HTTP/1.1" 401 310 "-"
"Solr[org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient] 1.0" 5

My authorization config is:


   - class: "solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin",
   - permissions:
         - name: "security-edit",
         - role: "admin",
         - index: 1
         - name: "schema-edit",
         - role: "admin",
         - index: 2
         - name: "config-edit",
         - role: "admin",
         - index: 3
         - name: "core-admin-edit",
         - role: "admin",
         - index: 4
         - name: "collection-admin-edit",
         - role: "admin",
         - index: 5

Looks the unauthorized error is because core-admin-edit requires admin
access. How can I config authentication credentials for solr cloud's
internal request? Appreciate your help!


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