Re: Limit Solr Disk IO

2020-06-07 Thread Anshuman Singh
Hi Eric, Thanks for your reply! I have one more question which I think you missed in my previous email. *"When our core size becomes ~100 G, indexing becomes really slow. Why is this happening? Do we need to put a limit on how large each core can grow?"* This question is unrelated to segments. I

Re: Limit Solr Disk IO

2020-06-06 Thread Erick Erickson
New segments are created when 1> the RAMBufferSizeMB is exceeded or 2> a commit happens. The maximum segment size defaults to 5G, but TieredMergePolicy can be configured in solrconfig.xml to have larger max sizes by setting maxMergedSegmentMB Depending on your indexing rate, requiring commits

Re: Limit Solr Disk IO

2020-06-06 Thread Anshuman Singh
Hi Eric, We are looking into TLOG/PULL replicas. But I have some doubts regarding segments. Can you explain what causes creation of a new segment and how large it can grow? And this is my index config: maxMergeAtOnce - 20 segmentsPerTier - 20 ramBufferSizeMB - 512 MB Can I configure these

Re: Limit Solr Disk IO

2020-06-05 Thread Erick Erickson
Have you considered TLOG/PULL replicas rather than NRT replicas? That way, all the indexing happens on a single machine and you can use shards.preference to confine the searches happen on the PULL replicas, see: No, you can’t

Re: Limit Solr Disk IO

2020-06-04 Thread Anshuman Singh
Hi Nicolas, Commit happens automatically at 100k documents. We don't commit explicitly. We didn't limit the number of segments. There are 35+ segments in each core. But unrelated to the question, I would like to know if we can limit the number of segments in the core. I tried it in the past but

Re: Limit Solr Disk IO

2020-06-04 Thread Nicolas Franck
The real questions are: * how much often do you commit (either explicitly or automatically)? * how much segments do you allow? If you only allow 1 segment, then that whole segment is recreated using the old documents and the updates. And yes, that requires reading the old segment. It is

Limit Solr Disk IO

2020-06-04 Thread Anshuman Singh
I noticed that while indexing, when commit happens, there is high disk read by Solr. The problem is that it is impacting search performance when the index is loaded from the disk with respect to the query, as the disk read speed is not quite good and the whole index is not cached in RAM. When no