Re: Named entity extraction/correlation using Semantic Knowledge Graph

2018-10-18 Thread Pratik Patel
I am on look out for ideas too but I was thinking of using some NER technique to index named entities in a specific field and then use Semantic Knowledge Graph on that specific field i.e. limit SKG queries to that field only. I am not sure however if this would produce desired results. I don't have

Re: Named entity extraction/correlation using Semantic Knowledge Graph

2018-10-17 Thread Alexandre Rafalovitch
Solr does have: 1) OpenNLP that does NER specifically 2) TextTagger that does gazeteer NER based on existing list but with Solr analysis power I would be curious to know how Semantic Knowledge Graph could be used from NER (or even for other things you already have used it for), but I am not sure i

Named entity extraction/correlation using Semantic Knowledge Graph

2018-10-17 Thread Pratik Patel
Hi Everyone, I have been using Semantic Knowledge Graph for document summarization, term correlation and document similarity. It has produced very good results after appropriate tuning. I was wondering if there is any way the Semantic Knowledge Graph can be used to for Named Entity Extraction lik