> That's the expected result and I'm pretty happy with it.
> But with this field :
> <field     name="variableEltDDIXML"
>    required="true"
>    type="string"
>    multiValued="false"
>    indexed="true"
>    stored="true"
>    compressed="false"
>    omitNorms="false"
>    termVectors="false"
>    termPositions="false"
>    termOffsets="false"
>    />
> when I query the solr server this way :
> /select/?q=election&version=2.2&start=0&rows=10&indent=on&hl=on&hl.fl=variableEltDDIXML&hl.fragsize=0
> I got results like this :
> <lst name="highlighting">
> <lst name="0ad4d4fe-cff8-43c8-b5d2-cf86c71b044c"/>
> ...

It is okey to query one field, and request highlight from another field. But to 
get highlight, first you need a match. I see that type of variableEltDDIXML is 
string which is not tokenized at all.


Does the query above return documents? 

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