Hi all,
I've just noticed a strange behavior (or, at least, I didn't expect that),
when adding useless parenthesis to a query.
Using the lucene query parser in Solr I get no results with the query:

* ((( NOT (text:"something"))) AND date <= 2010-12-15) *

while I get the expected results when the query is :

*( NOT (text:"something") AND date <= 2010-12-15) *

Setting the debugQuery=true param I get this for the first query sample:
<str name="rawquerystring">
((( NOT (text:"something"))) AND data <= 2010-12-15)
<str name="querystring">
((( NOT (text:"something"))) AND data <= 2010-12-15)
<str name="parsedquery">
+(-PhraseQuery(text:"something")) +text:dat PhraseQuery(text:"2010 12 15")
<str name="parsedquery_toString">
+(-text:"something") +text:dat text:"2010 12 15"

while I get the following in the second (right) query sample:
<str name="rawquerystring">
( NOT (text:"something") AND data <= 2010-12-15)
<str name="querystring">
( NOT (text:"something") AND data <= 2010-12-15)
<str name="parsedquery">
-PhraseQuery(text:"something") +text:dat PhraseQuery(text:"2010 12 15")
<str name="parsedquery_toString">
-text:"something" +text:dat text:"2010 12 15"

Is that something expected and I am missing something or it's a bug?
Thanks in advance.

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