rashmy1 [rashm...@gmail.com] wrote:
> 1. SOLR-64 - Is this available in 4.9? Unable to find the class
> 'org.apache.solr.schema.HierarchicalFacetField' in Solr 4.9 version.

Solr-64 seems abandoned. Lastest patch is from early 2011 for Solr 3.10.

> 2. In which Solr version is SOLR-2412 available?

Solr 4.6.1.

> 3. What is the difference b/n SOLR-64(strict hierarchical facets) and
> SOLR-2412(multipath hierarchical faceting)? From the examples, it appears
> that both support multiple paths per document. When would I use one vs the
> other?

As the creator of 2412 I am obviously very biased. SOLR-64 uses a special field 
and (as far as I remember) does use quite a lot of memory and is not very fast 
for large hierarchies. SOLR-2412 uses existing String/Text fields and has a 
memory overhead nearly on par with standard Solr fc faceting without DocValues. 
Neither of them supports distributed faceting.

SOLR-2412 was originally Lucene code for sorting and faceting, before Lucene 
had it build-in. The hierarchical features was an add-on, that happened to fit 
very well. Except for the hierarchical capabilities, the code in SOLR-2412 has 
largely been deprecated by new features in Lucene/Solr (the only other really 
usable feature in SoLR-2412 is the ability to handle a very large amount 
(thousands) of String facet fields efficiently). As such, it would be a lot 
better to create a hierarchical faceting module on top of standard Solr 
faceting or make a wrapper for Lucene faceting.

- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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