Hello Kyle,

This is actually the manual [1] clearly warns for. Snippet copied from the 

"When setting the maximum heap size, be careful not to let the JVM consume all 
available physical memory. If the JVM process space grows too large, the 
operating system will start swapping it, which will severely impact 
performance. In addition, the operating system uses memory space not allocated 
to processes for file system cache and other purposes. This is especially 
important for I/O-intensive applications, like Lucene/Solr. The larger your 
indexes, the more you will benefit from filesystem caching by the OS. It may 
require some experimentation to determine the optimal tradeoff between heap 
space for the JVM and memory space for the OS to use."

Please check it out, there are more useful hints to be found there.



-----Original message-----
> From:lstusr 5u93n4 <lstusr...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday 27th February 2020 18:45
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: heavy reads from disk when off-heap ram is constrained
> Hi All,
> Something we learned recently that might be useful to the community.
> We're running solr in docker, and we've constrained each of our containers
> to have access to 10G of the host's ram. Also, through `docker stats`, we
> can see the Block IO (filesystem reads/writes) that the solr process is
> doing.
> On a test system with three nodes, three shards, each with two NRT
> replicas, and indexing a reference set of a million documents:
>  - When allocating half of the container's available ram to the jvm (i.e.
> starting solr with -m 5g) we see a read/write distribution of roughly
> 400M/2G on each solr node.
>  - When allocation ALL of the container's available ram to the jvm (i.e.
> starting solr with -m 10g) we see a read/write distribution of around 10G /
> 2G on each solr node, and the latency on the underlying disk soars.
> The takeaway here is that Solr really does need non-jvm RAM to function,
> and if you're having performance issues, "adding more ram to the jvm" isn't
> always the right way to get things going faster.
> Best,
> Kyle

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