RE: Re[2]: NOT SOLVED searches for single char tokens instead of from 3 uppwards

2014-03-13 Thread Andreas Owen
I have gotten nearly everything to work. There are to queries where i dont get back what i want. avaloq frage 1- only returns if i set minGramSize=1 while indexing yh_cug- query parser doesn't remove _ but the indexer does (WDF) so there is no match Is

Re[2]: NOT SOLVED searches for single char tokens instead of from 3 uppwards

2014-03-12 Thread Andreas Owen
yes that is exactly what happend in the analyzer. the term i searched for was listed on both sides (index query). here's the rest: analyzer type=index         tokenizer class=solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory/         !-- in this example, we will only use synonyms at query time         filter

RE: Re[2]: NOT SOLVED searches for single char tokens instead of from 3 uppwards

2014-03-12 Thread Andreas Owen
Hi Jack, do you know how i can use local parameters in my solrconfig? The params are visible in the debugquery-output but solr doesn't parse them. lst name=invariants str name=fq{!q.op=OR} (*:* -organisations:[ TO *] -roles:[ TO *]) (+organisations:($org) +roles:($r)) (-organisations:[