Hi all,

I'm having some weird behavior with my dataimport script. Because of memory
issues, I've taken to doing a delta import as doing a fullimport with
clean=false. My dataimport config file is set up like:

<entity name="findDelta" query="SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE date_added &gt;
'${dataimporter.last_index_time}' OR last_updated &gt;
'${dataimporter.last_index_time}'" rootEntity="false">
  <entity name="mytable"
             query="SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = '${findDelta.id}'"
             deletedPkQuery="SELECT id FROM my_delete_table"
             deltaImportQuery="SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE id='${
             deltaQuery="SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE date_added &gt;
'${dataimporter.last_index_time}' OR last_updated &gt;
    <field column="id" name="id" />
    <field column="title" name="title" />
    <field column="name" name="name" />
    <field column="summary" name="summary" />

I've found that one (possible more that I haven't noticed) keeps
disappearing from the index. I will do a fullimport&clean=false and search
and the record will be there. I'll search again a few hours later and its
there. But then all of a sudden, its gone. I don't know what is triggering
that one record's disappearance but it is quite annoying. Any ideas what's
going on?


Brian Lamb

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