Hi Solr Team,

I am trying to retrieve the Parent Document by using the Block Join Parent 
Query Parser (q={!parent which=allParents}someChildren), but the filter 
condition i gave is having the same field in both the parent and the child 
document, So the Parser is throwing the  Error : "Child query must not match 
same docs with parent filter. Combine them as must clauses (+) to find a 
problem doc."

I have a requirement where, i have two fields (firstname and lastname) which 
are there in parent and child level.

When i pass a firstName and lastName to Solr, it should look for the firstName 
and lastName either in the parent level or at the child level and also it 
should match both  firstName and lastName at the same level (it should look for 

I tried with BlockJoin Query and got the above error when i specify the 
firstName and lastName in the child filter section.

Also i tried to fetch the entire collection using the q parameter (q=*:*) and 
later i filtered the result using the fq (filter query), this worked to certain 
extent but it didn't match both the firstName and lastName strictly.

Please help me on this.

For Ex :

"parent": {
    "firstName": "sam",
    "lastName": "curran",
    "age": "30",
    "degree": "MBBS",
    "docType" : "parent",
    "childrens": [{
            "firstName": "Json",
            "lastName": "Roy",
            "age": "3"

            "firstName": "Joe",
            "lastName": "Root",
            "age": "10"


TestCases :
i/p : firstName": "sam", "lastName": "curran",
o/p : return the Json including parent and all childs

i/p : firstName": "sam", "lastName": "sung",
o/p : No doc found scenario

i/p : firstName": "Json", "lastName": "Roy",
o/p : return the Json including parent and all childs

i/p : firstName": "Json", "lastName": "Root",
o/p : No doc found scenario


Nagaraja S

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