I'm trying to deploy, using SolRCloud, a cluster of 3 VMs with Windows, each
with an instance of SolR running on a Tomcat container AND with an external
ZooKeeper (3.4.5) (so 3 ZK + 3 SolR). I'm using SolR 4.2, the original conf
is multi-core (6 different cores)

I tried to set up a configuration of 3 shards each with 2 replica (1
original + 1), so that:
* VM1 --> shards 1,2
* VM2 --> shards 2,3
* VM3 --> shards 1,3

After days of googling, reading documentation (in particular  here
,  here
and  here <http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloudTomcat>  ) and browsing
forums, I can't still find the solution.
Apparently the only way to force 2 shards on the same machine is to use
Collection API (otherwise I could only deploy 3 shards * 1 replica,using
numShards or 1 shard * 3 replica).

After several attempts (almost all combinations of adding/removing
bootstrap_conf=true, solr.xml persistent true/false, removing/leaving 'core'
tags in solr.xml, using DELETE/RELOAD/CREATE on collections) I managed to
deploy this configuration using boostrap_conf=true, DELETing and CREATing on
each collection, but when I stop SolR service and then start it again, it
does not work (adding/removing boostrap_conf etc.).
I think this quite a standard use case, is there a simple solution avoiding
very ugly workarounds like deploying 2 tomcats or more than 1 SolR on

Thank you very much

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