On Wednesday 16 February 2011 16:49:51 Tod wrote:
> I have a couple of semi-related questions regarding the use of the Term
> Vector Component:
> - Using curl is there a way to query a specific document (maybe using
> Tika when required?) to get a distribution of the terms it contains?

No Tika involved here. You can just query a document q=id:whatever and enable 
the TVComponent. Make sure you list your fields in the tv.fl parameter. Those 
fields, of course, need TermVectors enabled.
> - When I set the termVector on a field do I need to reindex?  I'm
> thinking 'yes'


> - How expensive is setting the termVector on a field?

Takes up additional disk space and RAM. Can be a lot.

> Thanks - Tod

Markus Jelsma - CTO - Openindex
050-8536620 / 06-50258350

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