I want to get highlighted results for more like this queries.  More like
this doesn't support highlighting.

So what I did was ran a more like this query (I have the source document A
and say I get three similar documents back A1, A2, and A3).  I then create
a second query where I use the contents of A as the query.

More specifically, I have all a subset of my fields being appended to a
multivalued "catchall" field.  I use A's concatenated catchall (with
punctuation removed) as the search:


And I limit the results to the three documents A1/A2/A3 via qf:


Now I get highlighted results.  But my main problem is very frequent terms
(for/the/to/in...) are highlighted.  I would have thought these would be
excluded via inverse document frequency (since they show up in just about
every document).

Is there a way to improve the highlighting? (Remove the less important
terms, set some threshold, etc)


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