On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Kevin Xiao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have large data to index, index size is about 40 G and getting bigger. We 
> are try to figure out a way to speed up indexing.
> 1.       Single solr server, multiple indexers, which will speed up document 
> parsing time, but I am not sure if single solr server can handle multiple 
> requests with reasonable performance.
> 2.       Multiple solr servers, multiple indexers, which definitely will 
> work, but I am not sure how to combine indexes from different solr server 
> into one.
> Does anyone have any experience about it? Appreciate any points.

If your searching needs are relatively basic (search, sorted facets,
highlighting), you might keep the indexes separate and then use
distributed search to search across them:



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