Thanks Erick!!!
With Warm Regards...
Sushil K. Tripathi
From: Erick Erickson
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 11:02 AM
To: solr-user
Subject: Re: modify number of Shard
If you're using the default compositeId routing then this will not be
possible. Yo
If you're using the default compositeId routing then this will not be
possible. You can increase to any multiple of 4 using SPLITSHARD, but
you can't just add an arbitrary number of shards.
If you're using the implicit router then you can add as many shards as you want.
On Tue, Jan 1
We have a existing setup of Solr Cluster and we need to modify the current
number of Shard from 4 to 6. Can somebody confirm if it is possible to modify
the number of Shard or i just need to recreate the whole collection.
With Warm Regards...
Sushil K. Tripathi