I'm currently in the middle of converting my index from the old
spellchecker request handler to the spellcheck component. My index has a
category field and my frontend only allows to search in one category at
once so I have a spellchecker request handler for each category in order
to present only spelling suggestions that are relevant for the current
category (the handlers only differ in the termSourceField).
Unfortunately  I don't quite get how I can achieve that with the new
component. Although the example in the wiki shows how you can configure
multiple components there doesn't seem to be a way to explicitly invoke
one of them on a per request basis (or at least the wiki lacks an
That's my current configuration:
<searchComponent name="nuspell"
      <lst name="spellchecker">
          <str name="name">default</str>
          <str name="field">spellcheck</str>
      <lst name="spellchecker">
          <str name="name">news</str>
          <str name="field">spellcheck_nachrichten</str>

But it seems that only the "default" spellchecker is actually used. I
tried passing the name like "spellcheck.name=news" but that didn't work.

What am I missing?
Stefan Oestreicher

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