DSS: Vojvodina statute is new kind of bombing 
24 March 2009 | 16:02 | Source: Beta  
NOVI SAD -- Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) members and supporters have rigged 
a banner up on the Varadin bridge equating the 1999 bombing with the new 
Vojvodina Statute.

The 50-meter-long banner reads: “1999... Bombs then, Statute now... 2009!!! The 
ends justify the means.“ 

“Ten years after the NATO air strikes and nine after the establishment of a 
democratic government, we are witnesses to the fact that there are those who 
wish ill on our people and our state and are trying to destabilize her in every 
way they can,“ said the DSS’s Borko Ilić. 

Ilić, the party’s top man in Vojvodina, told a press conference in Novi Sad 
that the destruction had been much more devastating 10 years ago, with civilian 
and military casualties, but that today political means were being used. 

“We have a draft statute that is trying to destabilize Serbia, to fragment the 
country, to pull it apart. It is the same target from the same distance,“ he 

According to the DSS official, the same people that sought to pull Serbia apart 
10 years ago were doing so again today. 

“We’ve seen that the NATO aggression had as its primary objective Kosovo’s 
independence that was conducted a year ago by the authorities in Priština, and 
that the same people who spearheaded the bombing back then are still around 
today, both in terms of recognizing Kosovo’s independence, and in terms of 
positive appraisals of a statute that is leading to the state’s destruction,“ 
he warned.   

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