Rice Clashes With Russian on Kosovo and Missiles 


Published: May 31, 2007

POTSDAM, Germany, May 30 — The United States and Russia, with relations
between them at their most contentious since the collapse of the Soviet
Union, openly sparred here on Wednesday at a meeting of foreign ministers
of the Group of 8 industrialized nations.

The Russian foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, accused the United States
of starting a new arms race and implicitly threatened to veto any United
Nations Security Council resolution that, like the one proposed by the
United States and its European allies, would recognize the independence of

Even as the White House and the Kremlin were announcing plans for a rare
kiss-and-make-up meeting between President Bush and President Vladimir V.
Putin, their top diplomats were clashing here in the historic castle where
Churchill, Truman and Stalin met to decide how to carve up Germany after
World War II. 

This time, the big issue was the carving up of the former Yugoslavia, where
the mostly Albanian-inhabited province of Kosovo wants to secede from
Serbia. That, along with the American plan to place antimissile bases in
Poland and the Czech Republic, has pitted Russia against the West in a war
of words with flashbacks to the cold war. 

Mr. Lavrov harshly criticized Washington’s plan to build a missile shield
over countries that were once part of the Soviet sphere of influence. And
he took issue with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for calling Russian
concerns about it ludicrous.

“All they’re saying is, ‘Don’t worry, it’s not aimed at you,’ ” Mr. Lavrov
said at a news conference after the meeting. “It’s such answers that are

“We quite agree,” Ms. Rice said with a sly smile, countering that Russian
officials themselves have bragged that their strategic defense systems can
easily overwhelm any missile defense system that the United States puts up
in Europe. Mr. Lavrov was having none of it. “I hope that no one has to
prove that Condi is right about that,” he interjected.

Their clashes are indicative of a chill in their countries’ relations. In
February, Mr. Putin delivered a blistering speech accusing the United
States of undermining international institutions and making the Middle East
more unstable through its clumsy handling of the Iraq war. 

Russia is also deeply unhappy about the expansion of NATO into the former
Soviet republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and about the perception
in Russia that the West has supported groups that have toppled other
governments in Moscow’s former sphere of influence.

Mr. Bush, Ms. Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates have tried,
without success, to reassure the Russians that the missile system is aimed
at preventing attack by the likes of Iran or North Korea. 

The tensions have heightened to the point that the two countries have
decided to hold a one-on-one session between Mr. Putin and Mr. Bush on July
1 in Kennebunkport, Me. But it is hard to see how that will tone down the
sparring, given how far apart the two behemoths are on Kosovo. 

The United States and its Western European allies favor a draft United
Nations resolution endorsing supervised independence for Kosovo, where a
NATO bombing campaign in 1999 helped defeat Serbian forces. Russia is
adamantly opposed.

At the meeting on Wednesday, Mr. Lavrov repeatedly questioned why the
United States was so intent on resolving Kosovo’s status when other areas
of the world were in dispute.

“Lavrov said, ‘Why don’t we solve the case of Western Sahara first?’ ” said
a European official who was at the session, speaking on condition of
anonymity under customary diplomatic rules. “He even brought up Abkhazia,”
the obscure Black Sea region that has been trying to secede from Georgia. 

“And every time Lavrov said something, Condi would jump in,” the official
said. “It was like tennis.”

Mr. Lavrov did not tone down his ire over the Kosovo plan after the
meeting, when the foreign ministers held their news conference and most
tried to act cordial. He hinted, as Russian officials have before, that
Russia would veto any Security Council resolution seeking to recognize
Kosovo as an independent country, unless Serbia agreed first, which
diplomats said was very unlikely.

“I can’t imagine a situation where the Security Council will approve such a
resolution,” Mr. Lavrov said. “Such a situation will not happen.”

A senior Bush administration official acknowledged that the administration,
in more than six years, had not figured out how to manage its relationship
with Russia. “There are a lot of things we have that are of common
interest, and at the same time, we need to push where necessary,” said the
official, speaking anonymously under diplomatic rules. “And to be able to
do both things at the same time is hard, particularly for American
administrations. We either tend to do one or the other, and for this to
work we have to do both.”

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Past Coverage
 After Rice and Putin Meet, Russia Agrees to Soften Language (May 16, 2007)
 U.S.-Russia Bond Is Far Better Than Before, Rice Says (May 15, 2007)
 U.N. Security Council to Review Draft on Kosovo Independence (May 11,
 Putin Appears To Compare U.S. Policies To Third Reich (May 10, 2007)
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