President orders end to Russian military operations in Georgia

  James Meikle <> and agencies <>,

    * Tuesday August 12 2008 11:24 BST
    * Article history

A Russian soldier walks past destroyed Georgian tanks in the South 
Ossetian capital, Tskhinvali. Photograph: Denis Sinyakov/Reuters

The Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, today ordered an end to the 
military offensive in Georgia.

Speaking on national television, Medvedev said Russian forces had 
punished Georgia and restored security for Russian peacekeepers and 
civilians in the separatist South Ossetia region.

"The aggressor has been punished and suffered very significant losses," 
he said. "Its military has been disorganised."

Soon afterwards, Russian military officials confirmed that forces would 
remain where they were until there was a reaction from the Georgian 
government in Tblisi.

Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsyn said they would retaliate against any 

Denis Keefe, the British ambassador to Georgia, told BBC television: "If 
this news that military operations are stopping is correct, then it is 
what this country needs and we can then get on to build peace.

"This is a beautiful place with a wonderful people. They don't deserve 
the suffering that has been inflicted by military operations."

The reported halt to the Russian advance came as the French president, 
Nicholas Sarkozy, travelled to the capitals of Russia and Georgia in an 
attempt to mediate in the conflict.

Earlier, the Georgian president, Mikhail Saakashvili, said his country 
had been split in two as Russian forces continued to advance.

Saakashvili said the main east-west route through Georgia had been cut 
off, separating the east of the country from its western Black Sea coast.

He accused Moscow of "ethnic cleansing" in the breakaway province of 
Abkhazia, where local forces were today reported to be trying to remove 
Georgian troops from the northern area of the Kodori gorge.

The Abkhaz forces' operation was announced by Sergei Shamba, the foreign 
minister of the Abkhaz separatist government, who said a UN observer 
mission in the area had been warned and had withdrawn.

"Everything is developing according to plan," he said.

The UN and Nato were also meeting today as the west stepped up efforts 
to persuade Russia to agree a ceasefire with its US-backed neighbour.

Violence began in South Ossetia, the other Russian-backed separatist 
province in Georgia, last week.

However, Russian forces have advanced much further into Georgia and are 
now only a few hours from the capital, Tbilisi.

Moscow has denied it has any intention of marching on the city. 
Saakhashvili has urged residents not to panic, saying they would have 
seven or eight hours' warning of any impending troop advance.

Russian officials denied Georgian claims that soldiers had occupied the 
central town of Gori, which has been bombarded by air strikes.

Speaking after an emergency UN security council meeting last night, the 
Georgian UN ambassador, Irakli Alasania, said: "A full military invasion 
of Georgia is going on."

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