Russia Will Veto Kosovo Solution Unless Acceptable for Both Sides — Envoy

Created: 05.12.2006 11:49 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:33 MSK, 17 minutes ago



Russia could use its veto power in the U.N. Security Council to block a
solution for Kosovo’s status if both sides are not in agreement, Russia’s
ambassador to Serbia said Monday, according to a news report.

Russia would veto any solution for the contested province that is not agreed
upon by both Serbia and the province’s separatist ethnic Albanians,
Aleksander Alexeyev said, according to B92 Radio and Television.

“In case the status solution is not acceptable to both sides — both Belgrade
and Pristina — the Russian side will use its veto power,” Alekseyev was
quoted as saying.

There was no immediate confirmation of the comments by the Russian Embassy
in Belgrade. Alexeyev spoke in Russian with a Serbian translation by B92,
The Associated Press reports. 

Kosovo is formally part of Serbia, but its majority ethnic Albanians
overwhelmingly support independence for the province — the demand that
Serbia has vowed never to accept.

International talks aimed at defining a solution for Kosovo started early
this year under U.N. mediation, but so far have produced no result because
the two sides remain entrenched in their positions.

The Kosovo issue is believed to be the last potential flashpoint in the

Following lack of progress in the talks, U.N. envoy Martti Ahtisaari has
started working on a proposal for the province. The draft solution is
expected to be presented to major world powers of the so-called Contact
Group, and the two sides in the talks early next year.

The future solution also needs approval at the U.N. Security Council — where
Russia has veto power — before it can take effect.

Serbian officials repeatedly have said they count on Russia’s veto in the
Security Council to prevent Kosovo independence, but Alexeyev comments to
B92 mark the first time a Russian official confirmed such a possibility.
There was no immediate comment from Moscow.

Russia in the past has urged both sides to find a negotiated settlement and
warned against one-sided solutions. Moscow fears that Kosovo independence
could set a precedent for Russian-backed separatist regions in the former
Soviet Union.

Kosovo became an international protectorate in 1999, after NATO intervened
in the province to stop a Serbian crackdown against ethnic Albanian

Russia is considered to be a traditional Serbian ally. Both countries share
strong cultural, historic and religious ties.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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