WOAH…Stay out of Kosovo, Mr. Etzioni. (Readers, see below: “The Lessons of
By Julia Gorin (bio) 

I disrespectfully disagree with “The Lessons of Kosovo” by an Amitai
Etzioni. In fact, it’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read.
That it comes from an ISRAELI makes it all the more confounding, and sinful.
The most important fact about Kosovo is the split between the Serbs and the
Albanians. …Five days before his assassination in March 2003, the reformist
Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic put it this way: “Serbs and Albanians
have never lived together in Kosovo and Metohija. They have always lived
next to each other. A multiethnic Kosovo society is a great illusion. It has
never existed. It has always been a society of ethnic co-existence.” Charles
Kupchan of the Council on Foreign Relations echoed these sentiments: “In
spirit as well as fact, multiethnic society is nowhere to be found.
Pretending otherwise and denying or delaying independence risks a return to
disorder and bloodshed.”
Despite their long residence in a province of Serbia, most Albanian Kosovars
do not identify with Serbia, nor do they share a sense of loyalty to the
Serbian state.

Uh, since Muslims worldwide do not live together with their host
populations, but merely “next to” them, this guy has just made the case for
the Kosovo precedent to be the rule. Mr. Etzioni, since Muslims all over
Europe live only “next to” Europeans, and with quite an agenda behind that
fact, you’ve just made the case for them to start carving out parts of the
UK, Germany, France and other countries as their numbers become large enough
in any given area–just as they’ve been doing in the Balkans. That’s Europe
too, by the way. How about we give the 1.5 million Israeli Arabs their own
chunks as they reach a critical mass in given parts of Israel, Mr. Etzioni?

Readers, for a more clear-headed understanding of Kosovo–from someone who
ISN’T going to quote the Council on Foreign Relations, for god’s sake–read
my article titled, in honor of Mr. Etzioni, “Jews are Still Islam’s Favorite

And since we have here an ISRAELI advocating to give in to the threat of
violence–and grant independence without standards just as the world has been
trying to do for “Palestine”, the article “A Jewish Albatross: the Serbs” is
also relevant. 

Do I really have to tell an Israeli: YOU DO NOT REWARD TERRORISM WITH LAND. 

Etzioni, you’re not just selling the Westernized Serbs down the river;
you’re doing the same to the Israelis. Here’s what Ruth King, who serves on
the board of Americans for a Safe Israel, wrote last week:
It looks increasingly probable that Kosovo will gain its independence from
Serbia, an outcome that should be of serious concern to Israel and its
supporters. Ariel Sharon, to his credit, heard the alarm bells during the
American bombing of Serbia in 1999, when he warned American Jewish leaders:
“If Israel supports the type of action that’s going on in Kosovo, it risks
becoming the next victim. Brutal intervention must not be legitimized as a
way to try to impose a solution in regional conflicts.” And, it is no
coincidence, as journalist Julia Gorin reminds us, that during the bombing
of Serbia on behalf of Moslem Albanians in 1999 Saudi Prince Khaled Bin
Sultan, commander of the allied Saudi troops during the first Gulf War,
called on the US to do the same against Israel on behalf of Palestinians.
The fate of Jews and Serbs, which has intersected in the past, is doing so
again. The jihadist effort to expunge Jews from Palestine mirrors the Moslem
goal of incorporating Kosovo into a “greater Moslem Albania” while expelling
Christian Serbs. 

And why is Etzioni lying to Political Mavens readers? His entire piece is
based on false assumptions, false facts, flawed analyses and false
conclusions. He even starts a sentence with “Even before the beginning of
Milosevic’s 1998 campaign to kill or expel large numbers of Albanians from

Stop right there. How many times do I have to write, link and explain that
even The Hague–ever so reluctantly–disproved these charges? For god’s sake,
Daniel Pearl found these were myths as early as freaking 1999! 

Or–I’m sorry–is an Israeli not familiar with what jihadi-nationalist PR is
capable of doing to facts? Or how Muslims can orchestrate civilian-Muslim

And are we still going to believe, post-9/11, that the “suffering Albanians”
of Kosovo were such? They had the run of the show there–government, schools,
hospitals, jobs–EVERYTHING–in their Albanian language and reserved for
Albanians, while Serbs and other non-Albanians were second-class citizens.
This is how we run into problems: the more we give, the more they take. They
keep pushing, to see how much they can get, and when they hit that
inevitable brick wall with the West, they pick up their weapons, as is
happening in Kosovo. In Kosovo, when the Albanian supremecy got out of
control, Milosevic started instituting affirmative action policies for
Serbs. Then the crackdown on terrorism came. You got a problem with a
crackdown on terrorism, Etzioni? On murdered policemen and officials,
including moderate “collaborationist” Albanian ones? 

Ask yourself how a population goes from being a minority to being 90% of the
province by 1999 (increasing to a 95% majority after the NATO bombing).
Who’s pushing whom out? 

Meanwhile, when our NATO bombs started falling on Kosovo, guess where a
whole bunch of Albanians ran. Serbia. This cute little quote from one of my
sources goes to the heart of the matter:
I still remember walking around Belgrade in 1992 wondering what all of the
wrapped up Moslem women were doing enjoying leisurely walks in the city with
their 3,000 children when the Serbs were supposed to have cleansed them all.
Belgrade stayed multi-ethnic, Sarajevo became Moslem, Zagreb became
(Croatian) Roman Catholic, [Kosovo became Albanian], and the Serbs got
tagged as the rascists. Gotta love it. 
Why do people always, always have double standards for Serbs? You do
realize, Etzioni, that a big chunk of the world maintains double standards
for Israelis too, right? 

The “lessons” of KOSOVO?!, Mr. Etzioni? How about the lessons of Salt Lake
City, where Americans were shown what they can expect when they help Muslims
get what they want but isn’t theirs for the taking? How about the lessons of
9/11, on which day at least two veterans of the Bosnian jihad were among the
19 hijackers? But if you’re talking about a lesson from Kosovo, how about
the lesson of the al Qaeda recruitment office in Afghanistan, a 2001 raid of
which yielded an application from a Kosovo Albanian boasting of his
experience fighting both Serbian and American military, and recomending
suicide operations “against parks like Disney.” How about those lessons, Mr.

Ah, but the Balkans have a confounding effect on intellects. Readers, if you
want to see your favorite, most respected thinker, writer, analyst or
politician–conservative or otherwise–turn into either a blithering idiot or
a mute, ask him about Kosovo. 

Here’s another gem from the Etzioni piece:
Far from destabilizing the region, the 2006 secession of Montenegro from
Serbia was affected peacefully, legitimately and in accord with the wishes
of the majority of the Montenegrin population. If Kosovo were to follow a
similar path, there is no reason to expect that it would destabilize the
Balkans any more than Montenegro has. 
Oh as long as everyone agrees they want to become micro states, ripe for the
Islamic plucking, then it must be a good idea. Just look how much more
stable Montenegro’s independence has made the region. Here you go, here are
some recent headlines: 

“Police Foil Terror Acts in Montenegro” 

“Montenegro Accuses Ethnic Albanians of Plotting Insurgency–Montenegrin
authorities indicted 18 ethnic Albanians, including five living in the
United States.” 
“Montenegro Terror Plot Albanian Arrested in Austria” 

“Wahhabis in Montenegro are Armed –Military Analyst” 

“Montenegrin Serb party wants ban on ‘exremist tourists’ from Kosovo”
(a.k.a. Albanians Riot in Montenegro)

Albania: “Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro ‘unnatural’; Albanians should
unite to form a ‘natural Albania’ by 2013”

“Montenegrin Sovereignty Asserted, but for How Long?”
(Albanianization/Bosnianization of Montenegro) 
Hmm, I wonder if the Serbs were just talking their “usual” “nationalistic”
“propaganda” when they warned Montenegro back in Feb. ‘06: “‘Be Prepared’
for Albanians’ ‘Next Step’, Serbian commentary warns Motenegro” 

Everyone was in such a hurry to separate from Serbia and dissolve
Yugoslavia. Well here you are. Now have fun. 

I’ll spell it out for you, Etzioni: Bosnia and Kosovo have been part of
Islam’s divide-and-conquer approach. When we signed on to Muslim land grabs
in the Balkans, we emboldened Albanian separatists in Macedonia, Montenegro
and southern Serbia. Look what this normal/sane Israeli has to say on the
matter, Colonel Dr. Shaul Shay, author of Islamic Terror and the Balkans: 
In the eyes of the radical Islamic circles, the establishment of an
independent Islamic territory including Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania along the
Adriatic Coast, is one of the most prominent achievements of Islam since the
siege of Vienna in 1683. Islamic penetration into Europe through the Balkans
is one of the main achievements of Islam in the twentieth century.
As for Etzioni’s line that “denying or delaying independence risks a return
to disorder and bloodshed,” that’s the same thing that Wesley Clark, NATO,
the EU, the U.S. State Dept. and several Albanian-purchased lawmakers have
been saying, without realizing that they’re saying, “We’re quaking in our
boots; we’re scared of our new ‘friends’; just give them what they want or
else.” (The Albanian politician-purchases include Lantos, Engel, McCain,
Clark, Dole, Rohrbacher, Lieberman and others.) 

I’ll finish by quoting from a speech by retired Boston Herald columnist Don
Feder, titled “Jihad: We’re all in this together“:
When Zionists start caring about the fate of Serbs in Kosovo, when Hindus
support Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (designated the West Bank),
when Serbs stand up for Indian Kashmir, then we will begin making progress.


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