Hi all,

I've integrated the latest version of Tofu in soya SVN (soya.tofu). The 
tutorial/tofu directory includes a small demo, and I've started a chapter about 
tofu in the Soya guide (the famous "Yet-in"... well, actually the chapter is 
nearly finished, but I find it not enough clear and I probably rewrite it 
entirely :-)).

Tofu has also be improved:
 - it can now support several players on the same client (e.g. one using 
keyboard and the other the joypad).
 - it includes a "mixin" class for dealing with collision detection, using 
raypicking. The long term idea is to provide many such "mixin" class, and then 
the game developer just has to combine them :-)

Due to all these changes, I'll surely release a second RC for 0.13 soon, and 
then the final release.

I probably moves the website to a new engine this week-end, so there may be 
some temporary problems with the site.


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