Hello folks,

The Fedora Infrastructure folks are planning on sunsetting the 
'fedorahosted.org' domain and associated services in February of next year, as 
described in this blog post:


The Spacewalk codebase was moved off of fedorahosted.org to GitHub in 2014 - 
but our Trac wiki is still hosted there. So, we need to move.

While I like Trac as a markup language, 'markdown' has become pretty standard 
these days. One proposal for dealing with this is to convert the wiki to 
markdown, and move it to https://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk - that 
would get the code and the wiki in the same place again. 

There are a number of trac-to-markdown projects on github, but the ones I've 
found so far assume all you want is the most-current version of your Trac 
pages. Whatever we end up doing, I'd like to preserve the Trac site's history - 
it can be useful, as a maintainer, to know what's changed, when, and by whom! 
Preserving version history makes the conversion process a bit more tedious, but 
that's what scripting is for. The process would end up looking something like

* Export the existing Trac DB
* Extract all versions of all pages
* Convert Trac-markup to markdown (sed is your friend)
* Commit each version of each page seperately
* Push the whole result up to github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk

That's just one proposal. This email is to solicit ideas/proposals from y'all, 
on where to move, and what the desired end-state is. We have a few months to 
get this done - but we're thinking that shooting for having the wiki settled in 
its new home by mid-December would be good, so we can have at least a few 
months of having the old location still exist but be only pointers to the new 
one, and for tracking down as many external/documentation links as we can.

Thoughts, anyone?
Grant Gainey
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat Satellite

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