
during the last three weeks, Lukáš and myself have been working on
the Spacewalk on PostgreSQL port again a bit.

It is still developers-only. Do not expect it to work without being
ready to patch issues that you encounter. Even if it works for your
use-case, do not expect to be able to upgrade the schema to newer

On the other hand, more things work than they used to, so if you are
ready to hack, why not give it a try?

You should be able to use the nightly repos to install Spacewalk on
PostgreSQL on RHEL/CentOS 5 and Fedora 12 and 13, without needing any
Oracle bits. You should be able to run spacewalk-setup, create the
first user, log in, create channels and repositories and sync them,
register systems with and without activation keys, view them on the
WebUI. Yum and rhn_check operations will most probably not work yet,
we are working on the repodata generation right now.

Even for the things listed above as working, they are only working in
the sense that we've managed to do through the process. If you put in
different data, it might fail. If you use different parameters, it
might fail. On the other hand, there are people who have used it and
it did not fail for them.

We now have a page
which lists issues that we've met and how we've fixed the, so if you
hit the same issue with WebUI or with anything, maybe it will be easy
for you to fix it and send in patch? Patches really welcome.

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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