I have set up my spacewalk server to have Redhat, Centos, and Oracle linux 
distros available for kickstart.
When kickstarting I will get the following error:

  " The file libart_lgpl-2.3.20-5.1.el6.x86_64 cannot be opened. This is due to 
a missing file, a corrupted package or corrupted media."

The problem occurs because the md5 checksums are different for the same  
package name in the each of the different distros. I read somewhere that the 
satellite server uses some sort of dedup or links to not have multiple copies 
of the same file, which seems to work fine for updates, but not so well for 

I can fix this problem by clearing out all three the repos and resyncing the 
one I want to kickstart. But it take a while for the repo to rsync.

I have also found this bug report that no one seems to be working on 
http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=6977 which references this from the archive 

Has anyone else seen this, or have a better work around?
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