The error message you detail looks to me very much like an Exim response, not
Postfix; your system looks to be accepting the locally-generated mail but the
mail relay is struggling with it.
If you’re not sending from a fully-qualified, verifiable sender address within
your own institution’s ema
From “man rhn.conf”:
This parameter defines the server Satellite will use as its SMTP
Default: localhost
So the way the emails are sent is a function of how you’ve configured the local
SMTP server on the spacewalk server.
I saw this recently; SELinux was preventing the application being run under
Tomcat from connecting to the PostgreSQL database. Youll need the following:
setsebool -P tomcat_can_network_connect_db 1
spacewalk-service restart
You'll find the offending entries inside /var/log/audit/audit.log.
Hi Phil
The answer is staring you in the face in red: the RHEL repos use a certificate
which your system doesn’t trust. You’ll need to fetch a copy of the cert and
install it into your appropriate PKI tools on the Spacewalk server (part of the
OS, not Spacewalk) to allow it to trust the certifi
Hi Suhail
You don't include the error but I would suggest you're typing the literal
'' rather than an actual channel label, like this:
spacecmd softwarechannel_regenerateyumcache centos7-x86_64-updates
Substitute the channel label for the one you're using.
PS please don't include the e
You can get that from the repo itself. From, assuming
you're on CentOS 7:
rpm -Uvh
acewalk repos. This is not a client
side configuration issue.
On Aug 11, 2018 12:43 PM, "Graeme Fowler">> wrote:
If I do the 'yum search rhncfg-actions' I get:
> = N/S matched: rhncfg-actions
> =
If I do the 'yum search rhncfg-actions' I get:
> = N/S matched: rhncfg-actions
> ==
> python2-rhncfg-actions.noarch : Spacewalk Configuration Client Actions
> rhncfg-actions.noarch : Spacewalk Configuration Client Actions
Is the repo enabled? Have
Hi folks
Newbie to the list; relative newbie to spacewalk (although I've used both the
'proper' RHN and Oracle versions for some time as an end-user). Not in any way
a newbie to RH-derived Linux distros :)
I've recently installed Spacewalk 2.8 - 2.8.2-1.el7.centos to be precise - on
each of a