*   Have any of you tried integrating ansible tower/awx with spacewalk?  I 
know it is supposed to be able to work with satellite, but not sure if it will 
do the same with spacewalk.  If you have done this, do you have any recommended 
websites describing how to do it?

Indirectly, yes. I wasn’t aware of any native linking, but not needed it.

AWX builds new virtual machines, and runs a playbook in the final stages which 
installs the required client software and then registers the new machine onto 
Spacewalk using the normal rhnsreg command.

Nothing fancy, and equivalent (in ansible friendly language) of

yum -y install rhn-setup osad rhncfg-actions
rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=<redacted> --activationkey=<redacted> --force
rhn-actions-control --enable-all
systemctl enable rhnsd osad
spacewalk-channel --add -c <redacted> -c <redacted> --user <redacted> 
--password <redacted>

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