On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 18:01, Brad Koehn wrote:
> I've been thinking about a new rule, either for Bayes or for more 
> normal processing, and I'd like the group's opinion. It has to do with 
> URLs in the message.
> My original thought came to me when running SpamCop on a bunch of 
> messages. Taking a peek at the SC output I see that they whois the host 
> IP of the URLs in the message to find the email address of the netblock 
> owner. Running this code myself shows that the messages are coming from 
> netblocks in China (surprise, surprise). My question is, can we feed 
> use this information, either directly or through Bayes, to help predict 
> whether a message is spam?

I suggested a similar tactic, one that I've been using very successfully
on my home machine.

It uses the Perl IP::Country module to lookup the country of hosting of
URLs and compares them to a list of disallowed countries (China etc).

The feedback I got from the SA folks was that they'd rather make this
kind of URL meta information available to the bayesian filters. Since I
don't run Bayes I'd rather have it available directly. :)


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