This is the same setup that I use with a Mandrake mail server and it works 

pretty well. We use Exchange on a SBS setup with the POP3 connector, but I'm in 

the process of changing that to use SMTP delivery. Documentation for SA could 

really be improved; I see the same questions being asked and answered all the 

time, because there is a lack of clear, understandable documentation. I can 

tell you that you will run into some problems with Exchange -- one of them is 

the way Exchange/Outlook handle (strip) the message headers. I set up a couple 

of public folders for users to move messages into. If any get past SA, they can 

put them in the public spam folder and if there are any false positives they 

can put those in the ham folder. Make sure that Outlook users *move*, not 

forward messages. Or they can open the message and choose Actions | Resend, 

which will retain header info. From there, the challenge is to get them out of 

Exchange in a format that retains all the header information so you can use 

them to train SA. After trying many different methods, I found that I can use 

Mozilla's Thunderbird mail client ( to grab the messages thru IMAP. 

If you set it up to download and save a local copy then they're in Linux mbox 

format in Thunderbird's mail directory. Just move those files to the Linux box 

and run sa-learn with the --mbox flag. Others talk of using IMAP enabled 

scripts on the Linux box, but I find this method gives me more positve control 

and the ability to review the messages before they are sent back to SA. After 

all, you can't trust users to always do the right thing -- I've found some hams 

in the public spam folder and vice versa. If you have any other questions I'm 

sure you'll find the people in this forum very helpful. Good luck!

- FB

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