
I am using SA with exiscan-acl (probably should post to some exiscan mailing
list) and I am subscribed here. I keep getting messages from thhis group, which
trigger de MIME syntax error check of exiscan-acl:

2004-01-20 16:10:05 1AixW1-0002fD-8I demime acl condition: uuencoded line length
is not a multiple of 4 characters
2004-01-20 16:10:05 1AixW1-0002fD-8I demime acl condition: uuencoded line length
does not match advertised number of bytes
2004-01-20 16:10:05 1AixW1-0002fD-8I H=lists.sourceforge.net
(sc8-sf-list1.sourceforge.net) []
F=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> rejected after DATA: This
message contains a MIME error (demime acl condition: uuencoded line length is
not a multiple of 4 characters)

First I did not reject those messages, merely mark them in the log,
unfortunately this triggers clamav to hang, which lets my exim hang. So this is
highly undesirable.

So I guess, what I want to say here is: someone seems to send broken MIME
messages to the list, which I will reject.

Does anyone happen to have the same set-up and can comment? I have the most
recent versions of all mentioned software.

Marcus Frischherz
homebase: http://www.casaberg.at

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