Hello Scott, John,

Wednesday, January 21, 2004, 9:07:01 PM, you wrote:

SW> John,

SW> After this I started adding custom cf's like Bigevil,backhair,
SW> etc.  I also started pushing some of the default scores up and down
SW> according to what my beta testers were seeing.  I'm now starting to
SW> back off on the threshold to eventualy get it back to 5.0.  CF's like
SW> bigevil are expecting your threshold to be 5.0.  I believe even Bayes
SW> assumes your threshold is 5.0.

ALL the standard scores in the distribution set assume a threshold of 5.0

If you're running with a low threshold, probably anything under 4.0, you
should review the scores in 50_scores.cf, and maybe reduce some of the
higher scoring rules to make sure that no one or two rules can by
themselves flag an email as spam. IMO you generally want three or more
rules to kick in before an email is flagged as spam.

(There are exceptions, and I do have a small number of rules that by
themselves kick in the spam flag, such as emails sent to

Likewise, those who run with increased thresholds like my 9.0 often need
to (cautiously) increase the scores of some rules, so they don't simply
lose effect. I've increased the scores of several dozen rules (and even
with my 9.0, decreased the scores of a handful).

This customization is part of the power of SA -- your spam differs from
my spam, and so our rules should differ also. The distribution scores are
an excellent starting point (most scores are not changed), but with a
little due diligence and caution, they can be improved upon.

Bob Menschel

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