how do you get those stats from spamdyke?


2010/3/26  <>:
> Quoting Eric Shubert <>:
>> Wow, that's a bunch. How many domains?
> 7 domains.
>> As David's numbers show, if no pruning has ever been done, the % of old
>> (inactive) entries is quite high (96.6% in his case). I suppose it's
>> anyone's guess how many entries out of your 5M are still active.
>> Needless to say, the script will run much faster once the initial prune
>> completes.
> That's five million with graylist pruning set at three weeks.
>> In your situation, I think I'd run the script in silent mode initially
>> and just let it cook. Once it completes, I'd run it again with counts to
>> see how many live entries there really are. My guess is that the 2nd run
>> will complete in a reasonable period of time. If not, then it will be
>> time to look at alternative solutions.
> I'm quite happy running with my graylist-weeks patch, which makes all
> this unnecessary.
>> I've noticed that emails from lists are particularly troublesome for
>> graylisting, as some for lists, each message comes from a different
>> sender address (VERP). I wonder if spamdyke could be modified to ignore
>> graylisting these messages, because graylisting them only has
>> detrimental effects. This could perhaps help your situation as well.
> Yes, it's on SamC's TODO list. That doesn't really cause a problem for
> me, the level of list traffic against spam traffic is insignificant.
> Here's some stats:
>  1062951   59.03%  DENIED_GRAYLISTED
>   565115   31.38%  DENIED_LOCAL_FROM_TO
>   152910    8.49%  ALLOWED
>    10826    0.60%  TIMEOUT
>     6142    0.34%  DENIED_OTHER
>     2462    0.13%  DENIED_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS
>      246    0.01%  ERROR
> ---------------- Summary ----------------
> Allowed:   152910    8.49%
> Timeout:    10826    0.60%
> Errors :      246    0.01%
> Denied :  1636670   90.89%
> Total  :  1800652  100.00%
> Spamdyke is knocking out 90% of the mail that's trying to get in. Mailing list
> traffic is a small proportion of the remaining 10%.
> (DENIED_LOCAL_FROM_TO is mail that is addressed both To and From a
> local user, which I also reject as that should never occur on this
> server.)
> Thanks,
> -trog
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