On Wed, 12 Mar 2014, Katharina Bienert wrote:

Dear Katharina Bienert

I will not accept any prize from Ars Electronica

Ars Electronica diminishes its already limited authority by offering
such poison

I hope Ars Electronica changes its ways

Heath Bunting

Dear Heath Bunting,

I’m delighted to inform you that you are nominated for the Golden Nica for
"Visionary Pioneers of Media Art", a new award at Prix Ars Electronica.

The Golden Nica for Visionary Pioneers of Media Art will single out for
recognition those outstanding personalities whose artistic creativity has
not only laid the groundwork for media art as we know it today but also made
key contributions to our current social reality with all of its specific
forms of communication and cultural techniques. The job of nominating and
selecting each year’s honoree will be entrusted to a very special jury made
up of all artists who have themselves been honored with a Golden Nica since
1987. At present, over 90 Visionary Pioneers have already been nominated by
the Nica-Winners. And we are very happy that you are among the nominees.

At the moment, we are in the nomination period (until March 19th). The
voting period is in April 2014. And the award will be presented during the
Ars Electronica Festival (September 4th to 8th).

Since we are preparing a short biography and a photo of every nominee for
our website, we would like to ask you if you could send us a short biography
and a photo of yourself (1-2 different, but please indicate the name of the
photographer, because we have to credit him/her on the website) that we can
use on our website free of charge. That would be fantastic!

And of course you can send us as well photos of your artworks (1-2
different, please let us know the title of the artwork and indicate the name
of the photographer).

Further information about the “Visionary Pioneers of Media Art” category and
the list of nominees can be found here:


Thank so much for your help and we hope to hear from you soon!

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With best wishes from Linz,

Katharina Bienert

Katharina Bienert

Visionary Pioneers of Media Art / Prix Ars Electronica 2014


ars electronica linz gmbh

ars-electronica-straße 1

4040 linz, austria

e-mail: katharina.bien...@aec.at




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