[spectre] post democratic fashion

2015-10-20 Diskussionsfäden hello | florian kuhlmann
#postinternet #fashion for a #postdemocratic #society. sometimes it can help to accept the unacceptable, so you are able to externalize the results of your observations and thinkings and bring these to your surface. being affirmative this way, doesnt make life-things easier but at least it redu

[spectre] UPCOMING | "On Fire. Notions of Community in Post-Apartheid South Africa"| Photography Exhibition

2015-10-20 Diskussionsfäden Grimmuseum
http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=56f52588ec06eba032e41dd79&id=6292c00211&e=8e0bb18993 UPCOMING please scroll down for english version Andrew Tshabangu, Encounters of Bamako series, 2009. Courtesy of the artist and Gallery MOMO. ON F

[spectre] Talking in strings at digitalia, just participate remotely!

2015-10-20 Diskussionsfäden Chiara Passa
Dear friends and colleague, I'm glad inviting you to take part to the exhibition part of Digital_ia festival during Oct. 23, 24, 25. All exhibitions will be available for visitors until November 30th 2015. I'm going to show "Talking in Strings" a generative and interactive video installation insp