*New podcast: In this conversation, Marie Hélène Pereira and Fatima Bintou
Rassoul Sy—two key members of Raw Material Compan
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-337-raw-material-company>y—discuss a
situated feminist and decolonial practice that focuses on doing rather than
enunciating and categorizing. *

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-337-raw-material-company

Based in Dakar, Senegal, Raw Material Company is an independent,
collaborative centre that aims to foster critical thinking through artistic
practice. The project was founded in 2008 at the initiative of curator Koyo
Kouoh, with a socially committed, pan-African, translocal vision and a
programme that revolves around the research, promotion and dissemination of
contemporary culture in and from Africa. From the perspective of the RAW
Material Company, curatorial practice is an expanded exercise in knowledge
production that goes beyond exhibitions. It encompasses artistic education
and public programmes, as well as residencies, a library, an archive,
publications, and even podcasts. All these tools are used to weave networks
and communities that implement critical thought from a perspective of
collectivity and care in which fragility and vulnerability are understood
as a crack and a source of power to generate change.

Marie Hélène Pereira and Fatima Bintou Rassoul Sy share some of their
experiences and talk about the strategies they use to create rich forms of
dialogue and to negotiate the tensions and the ideological and economic
constraints imposed through the still-colonial structures of the so-called
global North. Actions that can be as small as opening up a space in which
to be together, to unlearn and rethink the emancipatory possibilities that
art can offer society.

This podcast is part of Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the Creative Europe
programme of the European Union.


00:01 Institutional sustainability in a cultural ecosystem
02:37 Intro
05:01 An expanded curatorial practice: dialogue and relationships.
08:36 Space as a necessity: Raw Material Company, founded in Dakar in 2011
13:04 A time to process and digest: stopping the production machine
16:38 The need of new terminologies: every time the term decolonial is used
a puppy dies.
19:59 Bringing the conversation back to your own context
21:42 Programming from a panafrican perspective
32:00 Adapt and adjust: The morning after the crisis. Our podcast is also
part of our program.
39:56 Against academic hierarchies
45:51 Learning to ask the right questions
47:25 Relearning
50:10 Unlearning
51:16 The value of different kind of knowledges and practices
52:37 Conversations and exchange: a space where disagreement and failure
are allowed.
54:08 Who said it was simple?
69:17 Solidarity, trust, care and alliances
72:46 Hacking the system? Resistance, resilience and moving forward
73:45 The fragility of the structures of cultural institution on a pandemic
77:53 We have hope, we need hope!



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