*New podcast: OBJECTHOOD #8.
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/specials/objecthood-8> Curated by Roc Jiménez de
Cisneros. With music by Jessica Ekomane*

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/specials/objecthood-8

Key words: limits, growth, water, extinction, dynamics, salt.

In this podcast we reflect on limits. A quite dark and urgent take on
boundaries and edges, if you will. This is not so much about ontological
boundaries, but rather about the dangers of looking at the world with no
limits in mind.

The first one of our conversations features Costa-Rican anthropologist Andrea
Ballestero, who tells us about her experiences, her field work, and her
conceptualisations in the analysis of the underground world. She focuses on
aquifers, as incredibly complex objects, and on our relation to their
physical edges. As she puts it, “Aquifers interrupt many of our
sense-making habits, as they require that we recalibrate our analytic and
political vocabularies to oscillating figures and grounds, to unusual
volumes and their dynamics.” We talk to her about water and movement,
volumetric thinking and saturated spaces, but also about caves and mines as
the objects that geology and the mining industry have primarily used to
shape our preconceptions of the subsurface. And we consider the ideological
baggage that comes with those assumptions. Andrea’s work problematises the
commonly accepted view of the underground world as a fixed, static medium.
She talks about that, and also about the commodification of water, “a
substance that pushes all sorts of boundaries at the conceptual, pragmatic,
embodied, and affective levels.”

Our second guest, American artist and activist Chris Korda, talks, and
sometimes yells, about extinction in relation to population growth. Our
conversation turns to procreation, exponential curves, post-antihumanism
and how all of these things are closely entangled in our species-wide
obsession with the absence of limits. We also talk about the changing
tactics of Korda’s Church of Euthanasia, a non-profit educational
foundation devoted to restoring balance between Humans and the remaining
species on Earth: from the sarcasm and shock tactics of their early days,
to the current version of the organisation, much more concerned with
getting the message across, as loud as possible.
This podcast is part of Re-Imagine Europe, co-funded by the Creative Europe
programme of the European Union. Music commissioned to Jessica Ekomane.
Curated and produced by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros.
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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